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creditsMany lovely people were helping and supporting us throughout the entire making (which is actually never ending) of the Lakewood web site. They have a great merit in the success of all this. We want to thank you all sincerely!
We cannot name everybody here, but there's some folks that need to be mentioned, because they stand out in what they did! 

Guitar photography
René Weiss - Photography

Reini Adelbert (English)
François Vanvinckenroy (French)
Francesco Faldani (Italian)

3D-drawings for the Lakewood Guitar-Designer
Moritz Sattler, Johannes Seeliger

Programing of the Lakewood Guitar-Designer
Markus Hoppe

Support for Guitar-Designer
Kevin Bulteel, KoalaSoft

Lakewood videos clips
Joana Kauer - tinbird

Ideas and content of the web site
Markus Hoppe
Martin Seeliger

We would like to thank especially our dealership that is so committed achieving remarkable results everyday.
A big thank you goes out to all our musicians - you're the bests anyway!
Not to forget, we would also like to thank all our customers and supporters that are promoting and advancing us everyday with your suggestions.