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Measurements of guitars models


To make available all technical details, if required, see the table below showing all the specifications for each guitar model. The neck width is not shown as this is irrelevant in the Custom Shop; you may specify a neck width of your choice. Standard models have fixed neck widths, as follows:
  • Grand Concert & Auditorium: 46mm / 1.81 inch
  • Concert, Dreadnought & Jumbo: 44mm / 1.73 inch
  • Baritone models: 48mm / 1.89 inch
  • 12-string models: 48mm / 1.89 inch (recommended)

Please be aware that in some countries the standard neck width of models may vary (i.e. in Asian countries with supply many guitars with 44mm necks). Please ask your local dealer for detailed information on his guitar stock.


Universal measurements

  Dreadnought (D) Grand Concert (M) Jumbo (J) Auditorium (A) Concert (C)
  mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch
Lunghezza totale (manico compreso) 1029 40.51 1020 40.16 1051 41.38 976 38.43 929 36.57
Lunghezza del corpo 511 20.12 502 19.76 533 20.98 496 19.53 462 18.19
Altezza massima del corpo (misurata al bottone) 120 4.72 120 4.72 130 5.12 110 4.33 110 4.33
Altezza minima (misurata alla giunzione del manico) 90 3.54 90 3.54 110 4.33 85 3.35 85 3.35
Larghezza alla giunzione inferiore 400 15.75 392 15.43 437 17.2 380 14.96 342 13.46
Larghezza al centro corpo 278 10.94 228 8.98 255 10.04 213 8.39 190 7.48
Larghezza alla giunzione superiore 297 11.69 279 10.98 303 11.93 266 10.47 242 9.53