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Selection by Body Shape


Body shapeYou may view our guitars sorted by body shape. Each form has its own attributes which will manifest in an advantage or perhaps disadvantage for the individual player. In the quest for a suitable guitar, body shape is of vital importance to the player.
A number of attributes are explained below but these are indications rather than dogmatic distinctions.
The important issue is always: it must suit you!


Concert Forma del corpo

The Concert shape is our latest "little one", which fulfills the long-cherished wish for a small body Lakewood guitar by all means. The body is distinctively smaller than our A-shape, though the scale length is with 630 mm not as short as it would be on a Parlour or travel guitar.
This circumstance is the reason why the new small Concert shape guitars of Lakewood are tonally big with very good projection and a lot of power.

Mostra tutti i modelli Concert


Auditorium Forma del corpo

This is the smallest body shape in the Lakewood range. The neck has 12 frets to the body, as compared to all the other shapes which have 14 frets to the body. This makes the auditorium particularly compact and comfortable, especially suitable for players of a slighter build. Due to its fast response, the auditorium is enjoyed by flat pickers and blue grass players.

Mostra tutti i modelli Auditorium

Grand Concert

Grand Concert Forma del corpo

The Grand Concert is evidently our most popular body shape. This body size fits most players and suits a diversity of styles. That would include primarily finger style players and of course also general song accompaniment, especially in the rock or pop categories.

Mostra tutti i modelli Grand Concert


Dreadnought Forma del corpo

For most, the dreadnought has immediate visual appeal. This is 'the classic' among steel string guitars. Typically, this form is the choice of singer/songwriters. Legends like Johnny Cash, Nick Cave and John Lennon were all dreadnought players.

Mostra tutti i modelli Dreadnought


Jumbo Forma del corpo

This is our 'Biggie', able to convince by way of sheer power. It is the typical singer/songwriter guitar which, with its rich voice, provides a solid foundation for solo performances. The narrower neck comfortably allows thumb fretting.

Mostra tutti i modelli Jumbo